Miami Valley Council 2025 Cub Scout Day Camp – Super Scout World!
Get ready for an adventure like no other as we power up for Super Scout World—Miami Valley Council’s 2025 Cub Scout Day Camp! This action-packed camp will transport Scouts into an exciting world of challenges, teamwork, and outdoor fun, inspired by the thrilling quests of classic video games.
🏕️ What to Expect:
- Level Up Your Skills – Test your aim at the archery and BB ranges, navigate obstacle courses, and master Scout skills to earn power-ups along the way.
- Adventure Zones – Explore different themed worlds filled with STEM activities, nature exploration, and creative crafts.
- Boss Battles – Work as a team to conquer exciting group challenges and puzzles.
- Bonus Rounds – Enjoy campfire fun, team games, and surprise activities that will make this summer unforgettable!
Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned Cub Scout, Super Scout World is your chance to jump into an unforgettable summer of learning, friendship, and adventure. Grab your gear, power up, and get ready to play the greatest game of all—Scouting!
🎮 Game On, Super Scouts! 🚀🔥

Volunteer at Day Camp
Each session of Day Camp will be lead by core group of trained volunteer staff, but we need your help! If you are available and interested in volunteering for a session to either be a Walking Group Leader or help run a station, please contact the Council Program Director, Amanda Schaedig.
Office Phone: 937-665-1068
Email: Amanda.Schaedig@Scouting.org

The regular fee for day camp is $140 per Cub Scout. Sign up early for a discounted price of $120. Late registrations will result in a late fee of $155 per Scout.
We don’t want cost to be a barrier to a Scout attending! Camperships of up to one half the Day Camp fee are available for Scouts in need. It’s simple! During online registration under “Update Information” for the Scout, select Campership and fill in requested amount. We will notify the Registration Contact by the end of April if approved campership amounts and will apply them to the registration balance.
Health Forms
Every camper must complete parts A & B of the Annual Health & Medical Record. Parents/Guardians must sign the form and attach a COPY of their insurance card, front and back. The form does not require a Doctor’s signature but does require the Tetanus immunization date.
Health Forms can be submitted to the Miami Valley Council Service Center or brought to Day Camp on the first day. Scouts without health forms will not be allowed to stay at camp.

everything you need to know
WHY Miami Valley Council DAY CAMP?
1. It is FUN!
2. Develop youths’ interests and skills.
3. Day camp is a themed adventure with a purpose.
4. Nationally certified camp run by trained staff and volunteers.
5. Week of adventure in the outdoors!
Parent Partners
For youth going into the 1st grade in the fall a parent/guardian is required to attend Day Camp with their camper at all times.
Walking Groups
Walking groups will be composed of around 10 campers and will be lead by 2 adults. Our first priority when creating the groups is to keep campers from the same pack together. Our second priority will be to put campers of the same age together.
Check-in and Check-out
Check-in starts at 8:45 am with Opening Ceremony commencing at 9 am.
On Monday, the first day, campers will check-in with our Administration in order to; submit any remaining paperwork, receive their wristband and group number. Check-in can be completed by either a parent or unit leader. Campers will check-in with their Group Leader the rest of the week.
Campers will get a new wristband each day at check-in.
Our closing ceremony will conclude at 3:00 pm with check-out occurring till 3:15 pm. Campers will check-out with their Group Leader. Our counselors will start their staff meeting at 3:30 pm. Any youth not checked-out by 3:30 pm can be asked to not return.
Parents/Guardians are ALWAYS welcome at camp. All visitors MUST check-in and check-out at the Administration at the designated check-in location. Visitors will be required to wear a wristband while on location. Youth visitors are not permitted to participate in programming.
There are no dining hall facilities at Day Camp. Campers must bring their own sack lunches each day to camp, including a drink. Please send lunches that are completely disposable. Exercise caution when preparing these lunches as salad dressing, mayonnaise and certain kinds of meat will spoil in warm humid conditions. Each walking group will have a cooler in which to store lunches. It is recommended that campers use ice packs in their lunches to keep their food cold. Water is provided throughout the camp all day long and participants are encouraged to drink lots of water.
Trading Post
The camp maintains a trading post to allow Campers to purchase snack and drink items. Scouts may visit it with permission of their Group Leader and in the company of their designated buddy. Parents should decide ahead of time how much money is appropriate to spend each day. The trading post will only accept cash.
What to Bring
Camp Uniform (see below)
Hat/Cap-for protection from the sun
Water bottle-you will be able to refill
Sack lunch with a drink (see above)
Small bag/backpack to carry their items
Poncho/rain coat, in case of rain
*Miami Valley Council Day Camps will not be held responsible for any damages or loss of personal equipment brought to camp.*
Prohibited Items and Activities
Campers are not allowed to wander on their own…always stay with a buddy!
To leave, Campers must check-out with their parent/guardian.
Vehicles may only park in the designated parking areas.
No sandals, flip-flops, “Crocs”, or open toe footwear allowed
No throwing of objects except as apart of a program activity station
The use of foul, profane, or abusive language will not be tolerated
No electronics allowed (e.g., handheld games, PSP, DS, iPods, mp3 players, etc.)
Drugs, Alcohol, and firearms are not permitted at camp
Use of tobacco products is prohibited in front of youth AT ANY TIME and is prohibited in program areas. This includes the use of electronic cigarettes, personal vaporizers, or electronic nicotine delivery systems that simulate tobacco smoking.
No knives, axes, or hatchets should be brought camp (even if the scout has the Whittling
No open flames, matches, or fireworks are permitted except as part of a station’s program
No glass containers, aerosol cans or pocket lasers
No Pets—with exception to service animals
The official day camp uniform consists of the camp T-shirt (or activity shirt), shorts/pants, colored wristband or Day Camp ID (given out at the beginning of camp) hat or visor, socks, and closed-toe shoes (no sandals or “Crocs”)…sneakers are preferred. Additional camp T-shirts can be purchased during registration.
Please remember to label all belongings brought to camp with first and last name to assist us in returning any lost items.
Camp Operations
Buddy System
Day Camp runs on the buddy system. At the beginning of each day, before groups move to their first program station, the group leaders will ensure that every camper is paired with a buddy. Where it is necessary, three campers may be grouped together as buddies. Each camper should know where their buddy is at all times and should not leave their buddy for any reason. This includes traveling to the restrooms, trading post, lunchtime and program activities.
All vehicles must park in the designated parking lots.
Lost and Found Items
A “Lost and Found” box will be kept in the Administration Office for items that are discovered at program stations or elsewhere on the camp grounds. Administration staff will make every effort to return items to the proper Scout. Labeling items with the camper’s full name will assist in the rapid return of missing items. Unlabeled or unidentifiable items will be kept in Administration and Campers or their parents may go through it at any time. Items not retrieved at the end of the week will be kept and made available at the Miami Valley Service Center till July 31st after which they will be donated.
Emergency Procedures
Injury and Illness
The first aid station for the camp is located in the Administration Office (check-in location) of each Day Camp. Our Camp Staff and volunteers will be trained with the skills required by the BSA National Standards. In the event of an injury or illness group leaders will immediately notify the Camp Medic or Camp Director.
In the event a Camper must be transported to a hospital or other facility, camp personnel will notify the parents/guardians. Camp will have a vehicle in Camp at all times for Emergency Transportation, as required by BSA National Standards.
Heavy Rain or Electrical Storm
Camp activities will continue to take place even in light or moderate rain. In case of heavy rain or electrical storms the groups will move to shelters based on the emergency plan.
Fire in Camp
Fire is a real possibility during this time of the summer. All permitted fires will be in designated areas only, and all usual and customary fire safety precautions and rules will be followed. In the event of an uncontrolled fire, campers will be evacuated to a safe location and the emergency plan procedures will be followed.
Lost Camper
While every precaution is made and many procedures are put in place, it remains a possibility that campers will get lost or separated from their group. Day Camp has a plan designed to quickly locate the missing camper and return them to their proper group. It also includes escalation steps to follow if a camper continues to remain lost.
Evacuation Procedures
In the event an evacuation is required, the Camp Director will make the decision to evacuate and will contact the campers’ parents/guardians and emergency contacts. Campers will remain with their group until checked-out.
The on-site evacuation plan routes everyone to the Parking Lot. In the event of an
emergency, dismissal from camp will occur from the parking lot. The Camp Director, or their designee, will make any appropriate phone calls and may regulate the use of cellphones during an emergency for the safety of all involved.